Du 9 décembre 2001 au 6 janvier 2002
Vendôme, pont Chartrain

La borne / François Schmitt

François Schmitt

Le passager, 2001 - Lampe 150‑w, voiles et sphère en plastique translucide.

I am the passenger / And I ride and I ride / I ride through the city’s backsides / I see the stars come / Out of the sky / Yeah the bright and hollow sky / You know it looks so good tonight… // I am the passenger / I‑stay under glass / I look through my window so bright / I see the stars come out tonight / I see the bright and hollow sky / Over the city’s ripped backside / And everything looks good tonight… // La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la… // Get into the car / We’ll be the passenger / We’ll ride trought the city tonight / We’ll see the city’s ripped backsides / We’ll see the bright and hollow sky / We’ll see the stars that shine so bright // O the passenger / He rides and he rides / O the passenger / He rides and he rides // La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la…‑

Iggy Pop

Du 9 décembre 2001 au 6 janvier 2002

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